Popular Front is a grassroots media organisation that focuses solely on war and conflict. We go deeper than mainstream news in a way that makes important war coverage accessible for everyone. We’re not interested in agendas, political trends, or online arguments. We're also 100% independent, refusing any corporate investment. 

We're funded through Patreonmerchandise sales, and independent sponsorships. This way, we're able to keep producing quality conflict reporting whilst remaining free from the influence of shareholders. 

Established in 2018, Popular Front is one of the fastest growing independent journalism platforms in the world. We focus on the niche details of modern warfare and under-reported conflict in a way no-one else does. We don’t dilute our reporting and we don’t try to appeal to what’s trendy—we just show the world what’s really happening in conflict zones, from the perspectives of the people there. 

Reportage from Popular Front is for anyone who wants to see it. You don't need a PhD or an invite to a journo dinner party to be in on this. No frills, no elitism.

Popular Front was founded and is run by Jake Hanrahan, an independent British journalist and documentary filmmaker.

Hanrahan has reported from Syria, Iraq, southeast Turkey, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, Peru, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, and more. He's worked for HBO, VICE News, Esquire, Frontline PBS, ProPublica, and Wired. 

There are several others also working on Popular Front. We don't have staff, but an informal team of likeminded people from all over the world, including filmmakers, researchers, producers, and artists.


If you want to get in touch with Popular Front, email us: hq@popularfront.co

Note: All unsolicited requests for employment will be ignored